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  • Lemurian Sphere 6" - Zero Point Crystals
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Lemurian Sphere 6"

Regular price
$3,500.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3,500.00 USD
This beautiful Lemurian sphere is full of rainbows and veils that will capture your imagination and take you on a journey within. It is approximately 6.25" in diameter and 9.3kg. The Lemurian crystal is known as one of the master crystals because it tunes into your spiritual compass, working to unlock the secret doors of your soul. This rare and sacred stone is coded with the vibrations of the Lemurian consciousness, an enlightened state of mind that was deeply connected to both the earth and the heavenly realm. Their work is to create a "time bridge" between the ancient Lemurian civilization and the New Earth that will be built on the ancient Lemurian "Paradise" matrix or template. When you connect to a Lemurian Crystal and the energy it contains, you are also connecting to this grid of associated energies from the Earth, the stars, and beyond. LEMURIAN SEED CRYSTAL BRAZIL │ EARTH & WIND ELEMENTS spiritual connection, intuition, heal Crown Chakra “I reconnect with my own soul & the Divine Feminine, and I call forth knowledge, wisdom & power from the ancient realm of Lemuria.” *Due to differences in light conditions and the complex nature of natural stones, the color of some stones may vary from their photographic image. Best efforts are made to capture the stones in their truest nature.